Saturday, December 27, 2008

Tangoing w/ Two Left Feet

I normally don't do typed entries, but I guess right now is a great time for one. Even if no one comments this entry, I know the majority of you readers will be able to relate to this. It takes two to Tango. That's what this entry is about. It's about idiots that try to Tango, who ultimately never had a partner to Tango with , that are left to die in their retarded ass dance moves. If your motive is to come out on top of a situation, the other person has to feed into it. I guess I'm not too good at feeding into the whole dancing thing; so to anyone that has or will attempt to challenge me, I'll straight break your music Do the Right Thing style.  Don't go out with a vengeance to ruin someone, because you just might become an Epic Failure.  R.I.P. Radio Raheem. N.J.T.U. Word.
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