Everyone is making t-shirts for Inauguration Day. Mishka happened to be one of many brands to
make one. They've brought the Bootleg Black Bart back to life. It's been over 18/19 years since
I've seen one of these t-shirts, and I'm happy that I can witness one again. A lot of people are r-
anting and raving about it, and are saying how it's racist, especially for "two white guys from the
burbs" to make it. I actually didn't find anything wrong with it. That's just me though. Is there anyo-
ne that happens to take offense to it? If you do, leave a line or two on why you find this offensive.
The shirt is on sale right now over at Mishka. I paused in between blogging this to purchase mine.
The shirt is on sale right now over at Mishka. I paused in between blogging this to purchase mine.
The image below, I'm showing is one of many original Bootleg Black Bart t-shirts from years ago.