"This is a must have not only if you love The Beatles, but also if you love vinyl toys. I'm a big fan
of the larger figutes, and all four members are 1000%, meaning they all stand about 2'3" tall. The-
y're supposedly dropping at the end of this month; so keep your eyes open for these to release."

Okay so this was an entry I drafted a few weeks ago, but due to the stupid shit I did yesterday, I

Okay so this was an entry I drafted a few weeks ago, but due to the stupid shit I did yesterday, I
decided to pull it back out. Okay, it already states that this is a must have for me. But, I guess s-
ome people forgot we're in a recession, and feel the need to keep pushing out shit with an over-
priced tag. The whole set is a little less than $2,500 USD. Which is pretty steep for me right now.
Also, never comment on shit without reading. I played myself on Hypebeast. Enjoy (LOL!)