I've been neglectful to the blog but when a more important duty calls, you must acknowledge it.
Well I've been answering more important duties for a couple of weeks straight, so I've been really
out of the "blog loop." The most I do nowadays is update my Twitter. So if you actually have the
need or want to stay updated with me (for whatever reason), just follow me on Twitter. The only
reason I'm even able to update on Twitter, is because I have an app for it on my iPhone. I'm wa-
iting for a Blogger app to be created, so I can update as much as possible. I know I say it more
than enough, but I'm seriously going to at least try to post something new once a week. Hopefully
that happens. I've been running around with school, and other personal things. Does anyone e-
ven still stop by? I haven't even been keeping up with the blog counts. Leave me a comment!