Sunday, December 28, 2008

For Ear Sake

This post is a little different from the other album posts, because it's not four albums in one.  So please remember the title of every album download entry I post, because the title shall remain the same, but the format of the entry may change from time to time.  So be prepared in the future.


This mixtape is down right disrespectful to any other musicians that dropped a mixtape this ye-
ar.  I more than recommend you guys to partake in downloading MeLo-X's mixtape.  It's a direct
order from yours truly (me).  If my iTunes enabled me to rate higher than 5-stars, this mixtap wo-
uld've gotten more.  The whole vibe of it is crazy ill; nice tunes, hard lyrics, great appearances.
The whole 9.  There's not that much more I can say.  Get it!  You won't be disappointed in it; thi-
s is coming from someone that usually doesn't rock to the whole "mixtape" thing, but it's that nice.


Nikki Ntu is on to great things in the near future.  I won't spoil it by saying anymore.

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