I haven't really been too fond of the whole blog thing for a while now. Don't get me wrong, I lovemy blog. I'm just not all there anymore. It became a task. I kind of lost who I was (blogging wise),
in transition of getting more recognition. It turned into me posting anything to fill in space to give
visitors something to look at. I felt like there was a need to update with anything, as long as it w-
as with something. That was never my true purpose when I created this blog. My true purpose
was to attempt to blend everything I was into (including semi-personal shit) into one. I've been l-
acking in a few departments, and overdoing in others. There isn't much to blend anymore. A l-
ot of people come to me and ask, "When are you going to blog something again?" - Things like
that bring pressure. There's not enough balance if everything is done based on pressure right?
So, a balance is what I need, and currently aiming for. So please don't think I fell off the face of
the Blogsphere when I don't update for 1/2 a week or more. Take is as I'm taking things one da-
y at a time, so I can continue to keep this spot as balanced as I possibly can.