Its colder than a witch's tit outside. I've been wanting the chill to come through, but I'm not sure if
I wanted it this sudden. Looks like I'll be knocking the dust off of a few jackets. As for Maxwell, t-
he show was pretty good. I'd embarrass myself if I attempted to show off the pictures I took on my
iPhone. I wouldn't get away with it like I did at the Mos Def show. We were seated in the nose bl-
eed section, and 'Ol Girl forgot her digicam (again). The seats were actually good. Sitting high up
with the other El Cheapos wasn't as bad as I expected. I'll just be equipped with binoculars next
time. Mayor Hawthorne's show ended up being sold out, so it looks like I'll just be enjoying the G-
hostface Killah show. 'Ol Girl, be prepared to stand tall with the best of them! S-S-SHOTTA! - C/Z